"Being dignified doesn't mean being perfect. It's about treating others with respect and demanding the same treatment for yourself, even when things get tough." © Shoshan - Quote in pics  

"Being dignified doesn't mean being perfect. It's about treating others with respect and demanding the same treatment for yourself, even when things get tough." © Shoshan


"Being dignified doesn't mean being perfect. It's about treating others with respect and demanding the same treatment for yourself, even when things get tough." © Shoshan

"Being dignified doesn't mean being perfect. It's about treating others with respect and demanding the same treatment for yourself, even when things get tough." © Shoshan


Being dignified goes far beyond perfection. Indeed, it is rooted in the acceptance of our imperfections, in the acknowledgment of our humanity. Dignity means embracing our mistakes and frailties with humility, always with the commitment to improve and grow. Dignity is lived in each act of respect we grant others, in every gesture of compassion, and in each word of love. But dignity is not limited to how we treat others, it also manifests in the way we demand to be treated. No matter how complicated circumstances become, dignity implies standing firm in our conviction to be treated with respect. It's the bravery to say "no" when our boundaries are violated, and the courage to defend our worth, even when it's tested. True dignity lies in the balance of giving and demanding respect, not in perfection.

I do not seek perfection, but dignity,
in my mistake and my success, in my laughter and my strife,
respect to others I give, like sweet life's liquidity,
and the same treatment I demand, throughout my life.

I expect to be treated with value and respect,
no matter if the storm is hard and fierce,
in calm and tempest, my aspect,
to be dignified and strong, always a wondrous verse.

© Shoshan

"Being dignified doesn't mean being perfect. It's about treating others with respect and demanding the same treatment for yourself, even when things get tough." © Shoshan

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