I don't need a compass to foresee my future, for it's my destiny to build it by your side. - Quote in pics  

I don't need a compass to foresee my future, for it's my destiny to build it by your side.


I don't need a compass to foresee my future, for it's my destiny to build it by your side.

"I don't need a compass to foresee my future, for it's my destiny to build it by your side." © Shoshan


My Love,

Every time I gaze upon the horizon, I see not just a tomorrow, but an eternity brimming with shared dreams and promises. I don't need a compass to know my destiny; it's clear that it lies in building it by your side. Your love is the beacon that lights every step of my journey, turning each challenge into an opportunity for us to grow closer. I want you to know that in every whisper of the wind and each star shining in the night, I find echoes of our unyielding love. With this letter, I pledge my commitment to you, promising that together, we'll weave a life filled with golden moments, overflowing with love, passion, and endless understanding.

With all my love,
Your love.


In the vast sea of tomorrows,
where destiny unfurls its tale,
I need no star to borrow,
for your love is my guiding gale.

With each dawn the horizon paints,
dreams of eternity are spun,
your eyes, luminous guiding saints,
pointing to futures merged as one.

In the whisper of the breeze so light,
I find your laughter, my tune so bright,
and in the shimmer of the night’s embrace,
a promise of love and endless grace.

With you, each step becomes a dance,
every day, a newfound chance,
your love, the tide that pulls me near,
together, we pioneer the frontier.

Let this verse be my faithful song,
declaring a love that's ever strong,
with you, every moment's a canvas wide,
where I pen our heart’s shared guide.

© Shoshan

This romantic quote is dedicated to those hearts that, intertwined, dream together endlessly: "I don't need a compass to foresee my future, for it's my destiny to build it by your side." © Shoshan

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