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Speaking ill of people requires the same effort as speaking well of them Valentine's Day Love Quotes: Romantic Expressions to Celebrate True Love Copy of Pídeme lo que quieras. Haré cualquier cosa por ti. Pero por favor, acepta mis disculpas. Lo siento. Never let go of my hand Love isn't about controlling; it's about growing together. I've grown; have you? You should never regret a single day of your life My Christmas spirit is hibernating... along with my desire to socialize. Wisdom is not just knowing what to do, but also when to do it and how to do it with grace and love. Good Morning! Remember, true happiness lies within your heart, not in the outside world. Insecurity whispering to you that you are not enough? Say with faith: With God, everything is possible! May every day of our life reflect the light of Christ, being a living testimony of His love and sacrifice. I’m living so far beyond my income that we may almost be said to be living apart