Even when the road ahead seems cloudy, God is the light that never goes out. - Quote in pics  

Even when the road ahead seems cloudy, God is the light that never goes out.


Even when the road ahead seems cloudy, God is the light that never goes out.

"Even when the road ahead seems cloudy, God is the light that never goes out. Let that light be your compass, guiding you through uncertainty." © Shoshan


In the twilight of my journey, I need your light, my God,
a beacon in the dense fog, a guide in the chilling odd.
My steps feel uncertain, like a ship in stormy tide,
but in you I find solace, your love is my comforting guide.

The night is darkest just before the dawn,
in moments of uncertainty, it's your light I lean upon.
Though fear may grip me and doubt unfurl,
in your word, oh Lord, my spirit finds its pearl.

"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path",
your truth, Lord, my shield, my perfect and eternal bath.
In you, the darkness turns to day, in you, fear fades away,
your love, my comfort, my strength, calms the stormy bay.

So, amid uncertainty, I press on, with faith unyielding,
For though my sight may be blurry, your light is forever shielding.
Guide me, Lord, with your love, like the sun after the storm,
For even when the road ahead is cloudy, you are my form.

© Shoshan

The quote in this image is dedicated to those who, despite the shadows of uncertainty, bravely seek God's light on their path: "Even when the road ahead seems cloudy, God is the light that never goes out. Let that light be your compass, guiding you through uncertainty." © Shoshan

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