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Nails are like the end point of a relationship, they either end very well or very badly People who speak ill of you are usually trying to fill their own voids with your supposed imperfections. Not even the water of all seas could quench this love. - Song of Solomon 8:7  "Dignity is not something that anyone can give you or take away. You've had it since the moment you were born. Don't let anyone make you feel less." © Shoshan Stand Firm in Darkness: God's Promise of a New Day Melody of Gratitude: Cherishing Loved Ones Each star in the sky is a reminder of a reason I love you, and still, there are more reasons than stars. Renewing hopes with the arrival of May My friend, with or without a partner, we won't be alone on Valentine's Day I will always love you Santa's reviewing your behavior for this year Don't hold onto a love that hurts more than it helps.