People who speak ill of you are usually trying to fill their own voids with your supposed imperfections. - Quote in pics  

People who speak ill of you are usually trying to fill their own voids with your supposed imperfections.


People who speak ill of you are usually trying to fill their own voids with your supposed imperfections.

"People who speak ill of you are usually trying to fill their own voids with your supposed imperfections." © Shoshan

It's a sad reality that some people find solace in discrediting others. "People who speak ill of you are usually trying to fill their own voids with your supposed imperfections." It's not so much about your flaws or weaknesses, but about the insecurities they feel and don't know how to manage. When someone takes the time to point out your faults, it's likely they're trying to divert attention away from their own imperfections or emotional voids. At the end of the day, it's a strategy for them to feel better about themselves, even if it's at your expense.

Being aware of this will not only free you from the emotional weight of their criticism but will also help you understand that the problem isn't you, but their incomplete perception of themselves. They may criticize you, but in doing so, they're revealing more about their character than anything else. Hold onto your dignity and move on, because in the end, your self-worth should not depend on the judgment of others.

© Shoshan

In the theater of your life, I'm cast as the foe,
but who's directing this drama, this trite little show?
You talk of me with fervor, almost like you're a fan,
as you search through my flaws for what makes you less of a man.

"I'm criticized, therefore I am," I think with a grin,
making your envy my medal, my triumph, my win.
Your focus on my faults, a misaligned mirror's glare,
reflects only your own gaps, in a poorly painted affair.

So go on, keep talking, you're the echo of my tale,
a shadow on my stage, a poorly struck note, frail.
But remember, in criticizing, it's you who's defined, not me,
I'm the star of your drama, but the script's mine, you see.

© Shoshan

To everyone who has ever been the subject of unfair criticism or gossip, remember: 'People who speak ill of you are usually trying to fill their own voids with your supposed imperfections.' Don't let the external noise cloud your internal worth.

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