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This little spud shows us that joy and connection can be found even in the most unlikely places. Happy New Year! - Image, letter, quote and poem to share Already the 3rd decade of the 21st century! To my daughter, never forget that I love you The Cross and its Meaning: A Message of Redemption and Love Stumbling teaches you to recover; watching others stumble shows you how to dodge obstacles. Social media can feel like a shadowy circus among laughs, likes, and shares, it's not always easy to tell the joker from the fraudster. Send it: I love you for all that you give me; your smile, your gaze,  your embrace, and your understanding. Healing a wound requires not touching it anymore Plans are worthless Shopping lists are like New Year's resolutions: you start with a clear intention but end up breaking them in the first aisle. When you take your own opinion seriously, you make what others think irrelevant.