Already the 3rd decade of the 21st century! - Quote in pics  

Already the 3rd decade of the 21st century!


Already the 3rd decade of the 21st century!

Do you still see the '90s as something recent? Not only are they from the past century, and the previous millennium... but we are already in the third decade of the century. Impressive. How does it feel to think about it? More pictures in:

Do you realize that
we have already started
the third decade
of the 21st century?

2000-2009 : 1st decade
2010-2019 : 2nd decade
2020-2029 : 3rd decade

I'm feeling old already.
Just the thought of it
is making me feel old.

We are getting older,
time flies, it seems as if
it was just yesterday
that we celebrated
the beginning
of the new millennium,
and it turns out
that we are already living
the third decade of this century.

It makes me feel older,
an old senior person,
older than I thought...

Time flies,
to tell you the truth,
I feel as if I'm tripping.

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