When two souls love each other, neither the whispers of family, nor the words of friends, nor the storms of life can fracture their indestructible bond. -Shoshan - Quote in pics  

When two souls love each other, neither the whispers of family, nor the words of friends, nor the storms of life can fracture their indestructible bond. -Shoshan


When two souls love each other, neither the whispers of family, nor the words of friends, nor the storms of life can fracture their indestructible bond. -Shoshan

"When two souls love each other, neither the whispers of family, nor the words of friends, nor the storms of life can fracture their indestructible bond." © Shoshan


In the grand tapestry of existence, when two people discover, love, and choose each other, a cosmic ballet begins that knows no barriers. Neither the whispers of family, nor the words of friends, nor the storms of life, nor wealth or poverty, not even the very will of the universe can fracture their indestructible bond. Like two stars in a constant dance, their love shines with a light that defies the darkness of doubt and adversity. They are two souls intertwined in an eternal embrace, navigating together the waves of life, and in doing so, they create a melody so beautiful that it inspires others to seek that same harmony in their own hearts.

In the cosmic dance so grand,
We are one, hand in hand.
Words of kin, friends' critique,
Against our love, they grow weak.

Rich or poor, they're just in sight,
Can't dim our bond, radiant and bright.
Storms may roar with all their might,
Yet, in our ship, love is the guiding light.

Promises carved on the canvas of time,
In every high and even in our prime.
Though challenges may form a steep climb,
Together we'll conquer, because you're mine.

Through joy and sorrow, in every weather,
Our love will not falter, but grow rather.
An indestructible bond, light as a feather,
In life and beyond, always together.

© Shoshan

"When two souls love each other, neither the whispers of family, nor the words of friends, nor the storms of life can fracture their indestructible bond." © Shoshan

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