Deciding not to forgive isn't about being unkind, it's about self-care. © Shoshan - Quote in pics  

Deciding not to forgive isn't about being unkind, it's about self-care. © Shoshan


Deciding not to forgive isn't about being unkind, it's about self-care. © Shoshan

"Deciding not to forgive isn't about being unkind, it's about self-care." © Shoshan

For too long, I believed that constant forgiveness was a sign of my strength. That enduring wrong after wrong, disappointment after disappointment, made me noble. But here's the truth I've come to learn - deciding not to forgive isn't about being unkind, it's about self-care. It's about realizing my worth, and understanding that I deserve the same respect, loyalty, and care that I give so freely. I am not an object to be taken for granted. I am not a machine, programmed to overlook and forgive. I am a woman, strong and resilient, and it's time for me to love myself enough to demand the respect I deserve.

To the moon, I have cried, forgiving ceaselessly,
every mistake, every failure, stabbed deep into me.
I am a woman, strong and brave, not an abandoned sea,
my kindness is not weakness, that much I guarantee.

Choosing not to forgive isn't about being unkind, it's self-care,
it's loving myself, with every step, everywhere.
No more tears in vain, no more being trodden bare,
it's my time, my moment, in my life, I declare.

© Shoshan

Image with quote for women seeking self-affirmation and resisting emotional exhaustion; and who need to be able to say enough is enough: "Deciding not to forgive isn't about being unkind, it's about self-care." © Shoshan

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