Friendship isn't measured by how often we see each other, but by the quality of the moments we share together - Quote in pics  

Friendship isn't measured by how often we see each other, but by the quality of the moments we share together


Friendship isn't measured by how often we see each other, but by the quality of the moments we share together

"Friendship isn't measured by how often we see each other, but by the quality of the moments we share together." © Shoshan

Friendships come in various forms, from those who chat every day to those who reunite after months or even years. Yet, it's not the frequency of interactions that defines a bond but the strength and authenticity of the moments shared. In a world where time seems to fly, the moments of genuine laughter, understanding, and camaraderie become invaluable. These moments, whether they are many or few, paint our life's canvas with colors of joy, trust, and shared memories, proving that the best friendships aren't always about being present, but about being there in the moments that truly matter.

To my dearest friend,
Through every twist and bend,
No matter how much time we spend apart,
You've always held a special place in my heart.

We might not see each other every day,
But our bond never fades away.
The joy I feel when we reunite,
Is like a beacon, shining so bright.

Our friendship, strong and true,
Has always seen us through.
Know that no matter the distance or time,
You'll always remain a cherished friend of mine.

© Shoshan

The quote in this image is dedicated to and thought for those who have stood by our side through thick and thin, reminding us that true connections aren't bound by time or distance: "Friendship isn't measured by how often we see each other, but by the quality of the moments we share together." © Shoshan

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