Loving Father, guide my words and actions with patience and love. - Quote in pics  

Loving Father, guide my words and actions with patience and love.


Loving Father, guide my words and actions with patience and love.

"Loving Father, guide my words and actions with patience and love. May I be a reflection of Your compassion in my interactions with others, even when it's difficult." © Shoshan


Have you ever felt impatience burning inside you when dealing with others? You're not alone. We all face situations where keeping patience feels almost impossible. But I want to remind you of something very special: God calls us to be patient, even in the toughest moments. Listen to what the Bible says in Colossians 3:12: "Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience." Patience isn't just a noble ideal; it's a manifestation of love and understanding that reflects God's heart. When you find yourself on the verge of losing patience, take a moment and think about the infinite patience that God has with you. Let that awareness guide your words and actions. Being patient isn't easy, but it's a beautiful path towards a more loving and compassionate life, a life that reflects the grace and mercy of our loving Father.

In the seas of haste, in life's frenzied wake,
I ask for patience, Lord, for my soul's sake,
In each act and word, in each look and glance,
May Your love and calm forever enhance.

In the bustle of day, in the tranquil night,
Grant me patience, oh Father, in storm and in light,
May I be like the river that flows without end,
Unhurried but constant, a patient, true friend.

In the faces I meet, in hands that reach out,
Guide my heart, Lord, with patience throughout,
May I see in their eyes the spark of the divine,
And offer love and calm, in a genuine sign.

Help me to be patient, in giving and receiving,
A reflection of Your grace, in loving and believing,
In each step and breath, in laughter and in strife,
May Your patience be my guide, my beacon, my life.

© Shoshan

The quote in this image is for those individuals who find in prayer a bridge to patience and understanding, who see in God the source of love and serenity. May it be a constant reminder of the divine connection and the strength that it offers us at every step of our journey: "Loving Father, guide my words and actions with patience and love. May I be a reflection of Your compassion in my interactions with others, even when it's difficult." © Shoshan

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