Don't let anyone tell you the stars are out of reach; we are women, born from constellations and weavers of dreams. - Quote in pics  

Don't let anyone tell you the stars are out of reach; we are women, born from constellations and weavers of dreams.

Don't let anyone tell you the stars are out of reach; we are women, born from constellations and weavers of dreams.

"Don't let anyone tell you the stars are out of reach; we are women, born from constellations and weavers of dreams." © Shoshan

Don't let anyone tell you the stars are out of reach; we are women, born from constellations and weavers of dreams. We're not mere reflections of others' expectations; we're the architects of our own destiny. Within each of us burns an entire galaxy, waiting to be explored, and our skillful hands can weave realities that defy imagination. Allow yourself to believe in the impossible, for stars are not just there to be gazed at from afar; they are there to be reached, touched, and understood. Be brave, be strong, and never let anyone dim your stellar light.

Don't let them say the stars are out of reach,
born from constellations, I weave dreams in each.
Limits once imposed now fade in the breeze,
I'm a woman, strong and resolved, with new keys.

They doubted me, in my dreams and my worth,
thought I was destined for less, confined to my hearth.
But now I know, I feel my power within,
I'm capable, I'm strong, and I'm determined to win.

My goals are mine, and I will not yield,
those who don't believe, their voices now sealed.
I'm the master of my fate, the mistress of my soul,
I'll reach far, I know, with dreams as my goal.

No more fear, no more doubts, I will not be confined,
as a woman, I can achieve, with a resolute mind.
My path is lit by stars above in the night,
my soul, now freed, takes unburdened flight.

Don't let them say the stars are out of reach,
born from constellations, my life's a new beach.
I'm a woman, invincible, bold, with a vision,
I'll achieve much, I know, with passion and mission.

© Shoshan

The quote in this image is dedicated to every woman who has ever felt held back or underestimated but knows in her heart that she carries the strength and brilliance of the stars. It's for the brave souls who defy the impossible, who weave dreams, and who fearlessly reach for what others deem unreachable: "Don't let anyone tell you the stars are out of reach; we are women, born from constellations and weavers of dreams." © Shoshan

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