Don't let the fear of tomorrow take away today's peace; God is with you at the break of each new day. - Quote in pics  

Don't let the fear of tomorrow take away today's peace; God is with you at the break of each new day.


Don't let the fear of tomorrow take away today's peace; God is with you at the break of each new day.

"Don't let the fear of tomorrow take away today's peace; God is with you at the break of each new day." © Shoshan

"Don't let the fear of tomorrow take away today's peace; God is with you at the break of each new day." It's human nature to worry about the unknown, and tomorrow always holds its mysteries. But as followers of faith, we must remember Christ's words in Matthew 6:34: "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." These words encourage us to focus on the present, trusting in God's grace to guide us through each day.

Every dawn is a gentle reminder of God's enduring presence in our lives. The peace we seek doesn't come from knowing and controlling every aspect of what tomorrow may bring, but from putting our faith and trust in the One who holds the future. Through prayer, reflection on His word, and surrendering our fears, we can rest in a peace that transcends all understanding. We can face each day with hope and confidence, knowing that we're never alone, and God's love guides us every step of the way.

In this shadowed path, where uncertainty lies,
lord, be my guide, my light in the dark skies,
with each faltering step, and each tear that I cry,
hold me close, in your strength let me rely.

When the storms of life rage, and fears take their toll,
be my steadfast rock, the comforter of my soul,
in your eternal love, let me find my repose,
with faith and grace, through each high and low.

Let not tomorrow's fear steal today's peace away,
in every dawn, in each trial, and every dismay,
oh, god, stand by me, in joy and in strife,
fill me with courage, and breathe into me life.

© Shoshan

May these words serve as a steadfast reminder of the strength and peace found in faith. In moments of doubt or fear, remember that you are always in the loving hands of God, who guides and sustains you with each new dawn: "Don't let the fear of tomorrow take away today's peace; God is with you at the break of each new day." © Shoshan

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