A disguise can mask your face, but not your true essence. - Quote in pics  

A disguise can mask your face, but not your true essence.


A disguise can mask your face, but not your true essence.

"A costume can hide your face, but never your soul."
© Shoshan

More than a face: the truth behind the costume

There's no doubt that a costume has the power to transform us. It allows us to adopt new personas, embody characters we admire, or even play at being figures we fear. However, what a costume can't do is change our essence, our soul. In the end, beyond the mask, we are who we are.

It's easy to get caught up in the aesthetics of Halloween, a festival that celebrates the macabre and the mysterious. But as we focus on decking our halls with cobwebs and skulls, it's crucial to remember that true transformation comes from within. It's not the face we show to the world that matters, but the kindness and love that lie behind it.

So this Halloween, as you pick out your costume and makeup, also choose to be kind, compassionate, and authentic. Because even though the makeup will fade and the costume will be put away, what truly endures is the imprint we leave on the hearts of those around us.

3 Halloween related jokes

Why are ghosts so bad at telling jokes?
Because you can always see right through them.

Why didn't the skeleton fight at the Halloween party?
Because he didn't have the guts.

What's the best costume for being recognized as a good person on Halloween?
Being yourself!

Quote in the image for sharing: "A costume can hide your face, but never your soul." © Shoshan

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