Long Distance Relationship Song and Quote - Quote in pics  

Long Distance Relationship Song and Quote


Long Distance Relationship Song and Quote

I can't wait for the day we leave video calls behind and finally see each other in person, no screens separating us.

Marking each day till the space between fades,
bidding farewell to the late-night digital shades.
Craving the echo of laughter shared in the same room,
and the warmth of your hug, far from the virtual gloom.

Hearing you through my phone, feeling you so far yet near,
our words flying through space, yet missing your warmth, my dear.
Eyes meet in digital silence, longing for a touch so real,
I dream of the moment the distance dissolves, a future we seal.

Marking each day till the space between fades,
bidding farewell to the late-night digital shades.
Craving the echo of laughter shared in the same room,
and the warmth of your hug, far from the virtual gloom.

Soon, our phones will be relics of a time that's gone,
as we embrace in the flesh, from dusk till dawn.
Goodbye to the miles, to your presence, I'm drawn,
in a future that's ours, where love shines on, unwithdrawn.

© Shoshan, 03/31/2024

Thinking about this distance that I so badly want to end


In the nights, when everything gets quiet and it's just me with my thoughts, sometimes I start thinking about what it's like to love someone who's far away. It's a different kind of love, full of waiting, having faith, and believing that one day we'll truly be together.

Loving someone from a distance is like learning to read the words that aren't spoken. Finding an "I love you" in a text, feeling a hug in a phone call, warming up with a simple "good morning" or "good night". It's like building a bridge with dreams and promises, trying to shorten the gap that separates us.

In this love, the little things become super important. A photo, a song, or those never-missing messages turn into the highlights of my day. They're like little gifts that help us feel close, even when we're far apart.

But yeah, it can be hard. There are days when all I want is to close my eyes and, when I open them, to find you there with me. I dream of the day when we won't need phones or computers to feel close, that those days will just be a memory of when our love had to be patient.

Despite everything, I think loving from afar makes us stronger. It teaches us to cherish the moments together, not to take for granted being able to hold hands, share laughs, or give a hug. It's preparing us for a future where, once the distance is just an old memory, we'll know how to love and care for each other in every little detail.

So, as I wait for that day with no distance between us, I keep believing that this love, even though it's far, is strong and true. Because in the end, what makes love great isn't how easy it is, but the willingness to face problems together, keeping the hope that one day we'll share everything, without screens or miles in between.

© Shoshan, 03/31/2024

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