If they only look for you when they need something, it's not you they need, it's what you offer. - Quote in pics  

If they only look for you when they need something, it's not you they need, it's what you offer.


If they only look for you when they need something, it's not you they need, it's what you offer.

If you're treated as an option not a priority, it's time to reassess 🚫❤️ #StopBeingInvisible

If they only look for you when they need something, it's not you they need, it's what you offer.
© Shoshan

Giving without receiving is charity, not a relationship. Wake up! 🙅‍♀️💔 #DemandReciprocity

When Giving Feels Like Losing: The Importance of Reciprocity in Our Relationships

In an ideal world, generosity would flow freely, nurturing a perpetual cycle of giving and receiving. But what happens when giving turns into a one-way street? Many women find themselves in this predicament, extending our hands and hearts, only to realize that reciprocity seems to be a language seldom spoken. This article aims not just to resonate with those who have felt the void of a missing "thank you" but also to prompt reflection on the significance of gratitude in our lives.

Generosity is a virtue, but when we're expected to be the perpetual givers, without a hint of appreciation or reciprocity, it can start to feel like a burden. It's not the physical act of giving that weighs us down, but the emptiness that lingers when gratitude fails to return. This dynamic can drain our spirit, leaving us questioning the value of our generosity.

This is where the importance of setting healthy boundaries in our relationships comes in. Learning to distinguish between helping and being taken advantage of is key. It's not about closing our hearts but opening them wisely, recognizing that we deserve both to give and to receive. Maintaining this balance is crucial for keeping both our relationships and our emotional well-being in harmony.

Below is a list of phrases that capture the essence of this theme. Each reflects a facet of this shared reality, inviting us to contemplate the importance of reciprocity and appreciation:

15 Brutal Truths About Giving and Receiving No One Tells You

If they only look for you when they need something, it's not you they need, it's what you offer.
© Shoshan

Often, the ones who give the most, get the least back—not just in goods, but in gratitude.
© Shoshan

Taking without asking shows you've forgotten giving is a choice, not a duty.
© Shoshan

It's not the act of helping that's burdensome, but the lack of a simple 'thank you.'
© Shoshan

There are those who never outright ask, yet expect everything; upon receiving, gratitude is nowhere to be found.
© Shoshan

Offering help is a gift, not an obligation. Save it for those who truly value it.
© Shoshan

Always extending a hand without receiving in return can drain the giver's spirit.
© Shoshan

Quit the victim act and take charge of your life. It's not up to others to fix your problems.
© Shoshan

People who only take sap the very energy needed to continue giving.
© Shoshan

If you're always the go-to but never the thanked, it might be time to reassess your role.
© Shoshan

Giving help is a gift, not a transaction; those who forget that never really appreciated it.
© Shoshan

Some may not ask with words, but their actions speak volumes; yet, thanks seem to be in short supply.
© Shoshan

I extended a hand, but they took an arm; and left without uttering 'thank you.'
© Shoshan

Avoid becoming a burden. Assistance is meant to be a stepping stone, not a dependency.
© Shoshan

Kindness isn't an obligation. Offering help is a privilege, not a right.
© Shoshan

In conclusion, the next time you find yourself at the crossroads of giving and not receiving, remember that your generosity is a precious gift. Don't let the absence of reciprocity discourage you. Instead, strive to balance the scales, offering your help to those who truly value and appreciate your presence in their lives. Gratitude may be scarce, but your worth is not.

Always ready to help but 'thank you' never said? Game over. 🛑🗣️ #AppreciationIsKey

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