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Stand Firm in Darkness: God's Promise of a New Day Isaiah 40:8 The word of our God will stand forever Black Friday: Best day of my life! People who speak ill of you are usually trying to fill their own voids with your supposed imperfections. I've got something unique; I'm a star that'll keep shining Merry Christmas, may good things be yours in these days ahead Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one Pride builds walls so high that the heart loses itself in its own solitude, forgetting how to open up to the world. To my daughter, never forget that I love you If he doesn't greet you, don't greet him. Don't bestow upon him the importance he fails to give you Never stop chasing your dreams... OK, I'll sleep then! I love you so much! I'm not willing to wait until Valentine's Day to let you know how much I love you.