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Happiness is not the absence of storms, but the ability to dance in the rain and enjoy every drop. When the path fades, let your faith be the light that guides each step towards the unseen but promised land During this Christmas season, beyond the celebrations, I hope you find time for yourself and what truly makes you happy It doesn't matter if you're right or wrong I will never be just a number in the lottery of your heart  "Dignity is not something that anyone can give you or take away. You've had it since the moment you were born. Don't let anyone make you feel less." © Shoshan Life is full of decisions Summer of constant heat and sweat I only need the soft whisper of peace in my mind The psychological abuse is a prison without bars, but with walls just as high. A true friend doesn't just shine in your company, but even when you're not around “A sad soul can kill you quicker, far quicker, than a germ.”