Happiness is not the absence of storms, but the ability to dance in the rain and enjoy every drop. - Quote in pics  

Happiness is not the absence of storms, but the ability to dance in the rain and enjoy every drop.


Happiness is not the absence of storms, but the ability to dance in the rain and enjoy every drop.

"Happiness is not the absence of storms, but the ability to dance in the rain and enjoy every drop." © Shoshan


We all face storms in life; whether it's a complicated relationship, financial troubles, or just a bad day. However, believing that happiness only exists when everything is going well is a mistake. "Happiness is not the absence of storms, but the ability to dance in the rain and enjoy every drop." © Shoshan. This reminds us that, instead of waiting for the storm to pass, we can learn to find joy even in the challenges.

It's easy to think that happiness is a destination, a place we'll get to when everything aligns in our favor. But the truth is that happiness is a choice and a skill that we can develop. Accepting life as it is, with all its ups and downs, allows us to appreciate every drop of water as a blessing. So the next time you find yourself in the middle of a storm, remember: you don't have to wait for it to pass to start dancing.

In life's intricate dance, there are steps of strife,
but each storm brings lessons, a silver lining to life.
Though the wind may howl and the sun may hide,
let's look for the light, even when skies are wide.

We may not understand why the rain has to fall,
or why thunder resounds in the depths of night's call.
But if we learn to see the rainbow that skies sketch,
we'll find peace even when our trials seem to stretch.

May each drop cleanse us, renew us, give fire to our will,
may lightning illuminate forgotten paths up the hill.
Even in the hardest tests, there’s a reason to smile,
and in the fiercest storms, souls flourish all the while.

© Shoshan

The quote in this image is dedicated to those who have faced storms in their lives and yet choose to dance in the rain, savoring every drop that life offers them: "Happiness is not the absence of storms, but the ability to dance in the rain and enjoy every drop." © Shoshan

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