It doesn't matter if you're right or wrong - Quote in pics  

It doesn't matter if you're right or wrong


It doesn't matter if you're right or wrong

Knowing that something or someone is wrong doesn't give you the right to criticize. Use your advantageous position to help, not to dismiss and destroy.


It doesn’t matter if you’re right or wrong,
it doesn’t even matter if the others are wrong or not,
it’s irrelevant that you know how to do things in a better way!

Just don’t look for things to criticize,
instead, aspire to encourage positively,
to reassure those who make mistakes,
to support and cooperate rather than point out,
and to give the best of yourself.
© Shoshan


Of course you know more,
of course, everyone else may be wrong...
but that's no reason
to be always criticizing,
pointing out the mistakes,
lowering the mood,
& destroying trust.

Try to support,
cooperate, to give your best,
and be supportive.

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