Build your own world - Quote in pics  

Build your own world


Build your own world

Fight for yourself, fight for what you believe in, don't expect anything to be handed to you on a platter, do what you really believe in.

"You have to build your own world,
you have to create steps that will take you up,
that will take you out of the abyss.

You have to make life up
because it ends up being true".

Ana María Matute


The world is the way it is
and things are not usually handed to us
like a plate on a platter...

We usually have to work
to get what we want,
we have to make an effort
and fight day by day
for that which we desire.

Nothing is easy,
but when you believe
and when you really try
things can change
and those dreams
can come true.

If they don't give you stairs
build them yourself.

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