"Those who do not move, do not notice their chains." -Rosa Luxemburg - Quote in pics  

"Those who do not move, do not notice their chains." -Rosa Luxemburg


"Those who do not move, do not notice their chains." -Rosa Luxemburg

Until the moment you decide to do something, you won't realize how much is actually holding you back.

"Those who do not move,
do not notice their chains."
-Rosa Luxemburg


We are very settled in life
It's easier than mobilizing ourselves,
easier than trying to make a change,
less risky than rebelling,
much simpler than what it would be to assume
that things should be different,
and to do something about it,
to lift a finger
to make that change.

Once we make up our minds,
once we do something,
once we mobilize
everything is against us;
nothing is ever that simple,
and it is so exhausting
that in the end,
there are many who
do nothing.

It' s more comfortable to live
believing that we are free
without putting it to the test.

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