Sometimes people don't need to be helped, they need to help themselves - Quote in pics  

Sometimes people don't need to be helped, they need to help themselves


Sometimes people don't need to be helped, they need to help themselves

It' s good to help others, but sometimes, when you have been helping them for a long time, you realize that what they need most is to help themselves.

Sometimes people don't need to be helped,
they need to help themselves.

© Shoshan


It is good to help others,
we should do it more often,
but it is also necessary
to realize when
our help does not help.

There are those who spend their lives
receiving and being helped,
but do nothing for themselves,
do not make an effort,
do not take necessary steps,
do not make sacrifices,
do not have their priorities right,
and only extend their hand
to receive and nothing else.

At times like this
we must be able to admit
that no matter how much we help them,
if they fail to assume their responsibilities,
they may never help themselves
and may never learn.

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