I love you mom for all that you taught me, given and supported me - Quote in pics  

I love you mom for all that you taught me, given and supported me


I love you mom for all that you taught me, given and supported me

Mom, I don't need a special occasion to express my heartfelt gratitude to you. Mom, I adore you.

You taught me what it means to love unconditionally.
You brought meaning to my life when I didn't have any.
You supported me in my craziest moments and stood by my side in the darkest periods of my life.
I love you, mom.

© Shoshan


In my childhood, you were always there for me. When I was happy and sad, you were there. You taught me the meaning of life and its ups and downs. Without you in my life, I would be lost.


Mom, you are always there for me. You have been my supporter, my strength and my motivation throughout all these years. You have taught me not just to love myself but also to love others and be open. Your presence in my life has changed me as a person, who I am now would not have happened if you were not there. Thank you so much Mom for everything.


When I was a child, you were always there for me. When we were happy and sad, you were there. You taught me the meaning of life and its ups and downs. Without you in my life, I would be lost.


You are there for me when no one else is, you are my inspiration, my motivation to do well. You have taught me so much of things in life and thanks for that!


Mom, you are always there for me. You have taught me the meaning of life. You supported me in my worst and craziest moments. When I have a problem, it is you who puts everything back together again. When I am sad, you help me get through it by making me feel better with your love. Your love is like a sun that warms me up when I am cold. You have always believed in me, even when nobody else did. I could never thank you enough for all that you have done for me.

I love you so much, Mom. Thank you for being there for me through everything.

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