There is a fountain of youth available to us - Quote in pics  

There is a fountain of youth available to us


There is a fountain of youth available to us

A true fountain of youth has always been available to us. It's just a matter of how we choose to see it.

“There is a fountain of youth:
it is your mind, your talents,
the creativity you bring to your life
and the lives of people you love.

When you learn to tap this source,
you will truly have defeated age.”

- Sophia Loren


When you bring your mind, talents, and creativity to your life and the lives of others, you defeat age.

You've probably heard about the fountain of youth. It's supposedly a spring that grants eternal life.

But we're here to tell you that there is no such thing as a true fountain of youth—that's just not how nature works. Instead, we have a true fountain of youth right in front of us: it's called YOU.

When you bring your mind, talents, and creativity to your life and the lives of others, you defeat age because there is no way a person who is constantly creating can be considered old. Your mind and spirit are always young!

So if you're looking for a way to stay youthful forever (and let's be real—who isn't?), here's your answer: start creating! Be creative in your daily life by drawing or writing or cooking or playing music or doing anything else that makes you feel like yourself again after a long day at work or school or whatever else has been weighing on you lately. And then share that creativity with others! That way they'll know how lucky they are to have someone like them in their lives too—someone who cares about making things better for everyone around

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