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Proverbs 25:11 A word spoken at the right time When you take your own opinion seriously, you make what others think irrelevant. Melodies of Memory: How Lost Loved Ones Live On in Our Hearts A true friend doesn't just shine in your company, but even when you're not around You are the greatest gift life has ever granted me. Being generous is like being a lighthouse "Unfulfilled promises are like inflated hope balloons that deflate with reality." © Shoshan In honor of those who are no longer here, but never truly leave. Happy Day of the Dead. Psalm 23 - The Lord is my shepherd Happy Father's Day to all those fathers who sacrifice their best years for their children He might be the one who wears the pants, but remember, you have the power to rock his world and stir up storms Giving someone else the power over your joy is like handing your compass to a stranger; you'll lose your way.