Being generous is like being a lighthouse - Quote in pics  

Being generous is like being a lighthouse


Being generous is like being a lighthouse

"Being generous is like being a lighthouse: not all ships recognize your light, nor do they often express gratitude, but you keep shining nonetheless." © Shoshan

It's true that genuine generosity does not seek rewards, but that does not mean that gratitude and acknowledgment are not important. Often, we give without expecting anything in return, be it time, effort, or resources, yet sometimes a simple 'thank you' can light up our day. It's not that we seek applause or rewards, but when our kindness is taken for granted, it can be frustrating. After all, we are all humans and crave reciprocity, appreciation, and respect.

You are a lighthouse in the midst of a vast ocean,
you shine, even if the ships pass by,
your lights, a generous gift in the night,
few acknowledge, fewer still, give you shelter.

You give without measure, expect nothing,
but you long for an echo of gratitude in the wind,
a seed of appreciation in thankless soil,
a song of thanks in silence.

You're a river giving life, a mountain that holds,
a sun that with its light beautifies the world,
but the echo of thanks, sometimes, does not hold,
gratitude, like a light mist, disappears.

But keep flowing, hold on, and shine,
gratitude is an echo, sometimes silent,
and even if the ungrateful sea doesn't acclaim you,
lighthouses like you, make the world more decent.

© Shoshan

Quote for those who give without expecting anything in return, and never receive gratitude anyway: "Being generous is like being a lighthouse: not all ships recognize your light, nor do they often express gratitude, but you keep shining nonetheless." © Shoshan

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