Giving someone else the power over your joy is like handing your compass to a stranger; you'll lose your way. - Quote in pics  

Giving someone else the power over your joy is like handing your compass to a stranger; you'll lose your way.


Giving someone else the power over your joy is like handing your compass to a stranger; you'll lose your way.

"Giving someone else the power over your joy is like handing your compass to a stranger; you'll lose your way." © Shoshan

Giving someone else the power over your joy is like entrusting your compass to a stranger; you'll lose yourself in the forest of your own life. It's like handing over the light of your being to uncertain hands, allowing someone else to decide when it should shine. It's allowing the song of your heart to be directed by another's baton, mis-tuning the melody that makes you unique. Don't forget, dear friend, that the compass of your joy should always be in your own hands, so that you can keep your course in the vast ocean of life.

To trust your joy in foreign hands,
is like giving your compass to a wanderer,
you'll lose yourself in your own life's sands,
you're light, not someone else's follower.

Your being is light, don't yield it in vain,
to uncertain hands, to distant judgments,
let them not decide when you should regain,
let them not dim your radiant endowments.

Your heart sings, its melody pure,
don't let it be directed by a foreign baton,
mis-tuning the tune that in you endure,
you're a unique note, in a full symphony drawn.

Your joy's compass, in your hands it must be,
to maintain your course, in this vast sea.

© Shoshan

Quote in the image: "Giving someone else the power over your joy is like handing your compass to a stranger; you'll lose your way." © Shoshan

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