When you let someone else decide your worth, you become a prisoner of their opinion - Quote in pics  

When you let someone else decide your worth, you become a prisoner of their opinion


When you let someone else decide your worth, you become a prisoner of their opinion

"When you let someone else decide your worth, you become a prisoner of their opinion." © Shoshan

Every time you let someone else decide your worth, you become a prisoner of their opinion. It's like constructing a cage out of others' words and stepping into it, allowing their voice to become the warden of your freedom. But always remember, your true value shines from within you, a unique and brilliant sun that only you can appreciate in its entirety. You are a complete melody, and you cannot allow anyone else to change your rhythm. So break that cage, shed those invisible chains, and remember that you are the sole judge of your own worth.

No more will I give weight to others' words,
nor to the hasty judgments they cast to the wind.
I'll be like the rock that the sea vainly scourges,
immune to the waves dancing on its skin.

My mirror won't reflect foreign voices,
only the shapes my soul harbors.
I'll be the author of my own exploits,
not an actor in a play directed by others.

Others' thoughts will be like the wind,
transient and ephemeral, leaving no trace.
My worth doesn't rely on an external addend,
it's an inner lighthouse, my own star in space.

So, free of the weight of ownerless opinions,
free and light, I'll progress on my way,
with the certainty that my worth is the only dominion
where others' judgments hold no sway.

© Shoshan

Quote in the image: "When you let someone else decide your worth, you become a prisoner of their opinion." © Shoshan

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