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In the face of adversity, breathe deeply and recall your inherent strength Longing for the embrace stolen by the distance between us two If he no longer wants to love you, it's not you who loses, it's him Don't let anyone tell you the stars are out of reach; we are women, born from constellations and weavers of dreams. Sometimes, the most sophisticated disguise a person wears is their own hypocrisy - Shoshan Already the 3rd decade of the 21st century! Good morning! Wake up with a heart full of hope 🌟 and gratitude. Make today amazing! ☕🌅 To live is not merely to exist For my son on Valentine's Day: A picture, a letter, and a poem Mo matter how lonely you feel, if God is with you, you have everything you need. Women's Day Greeting Message to share Even when losing, we score points