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Black Friday: Piggy Bank Breaking Day Inspirational Quote: Choosing Strength Over Revenge 🌅💪 She wasn't meant to be with anyone but herself He might be the one who wears the pants, but remember, you have the power to rock his world and stir up storms Happy Thanksgiving! Expressing my gratitude for your friendship Seek to be at peace "Unfulfilled promises are like inflated hope balloons that deflate with reality." © Shoshan A missed opportunity isn't a closed door, it's just an unexpected detour. May August gift you moments of clarity, where what truly matters shines bright, the trivial fades away, and only gratitude and love remain in your heart. Appreciating the small things can lead to happiness. Sadness is like a bone-deep ache, at times when raindrops fall... it hurts even more. Betrayal reveals who others truly are, not who you are.