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You’re under no obligation to be the same person you were five minutes ago Stop Waiting, Start Living: The Message that Will Change Your Tomorrow Merry Christmas, may good things be yours in these days ahead There is no ideal Christmas Those who seek, ultimately always find Happy Father's Day from your wife! Being good to others isn't just a choice, it's a responsibility When two souls love each other, neither the whispers of family, nor the words of friends, nor the storms of life can fracture their indestructible bond. -Shoshan You are a mountain, strong and unshakable, do not reduce yourself to a mere grain of sand due to the opinions of others  "Dignity is not something that anyone can give you or take away. You've had it since the moment you were born. Don't let anyone make you feel less." © Shoshan Abundant happiness for this new year Embracing the dawn: My journey with God's loving whispers