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I love you so much! I'm not willing to wait until Valentine's Day to let you know how much I love you. Nails are like the end point of a relationship, they either end very well or very badly Send it: I love you for all that you give me; your smile, your gaze,  your embrace, and your understanding. Even in the darkest passages of our life, God is the perpetual light that guides us For my son on Valentine's Day: A picture, a letter, and a poem If he doesn't greet you, don't greet him. Don't bestow upon him the importance he fails to give you Love Cannot Be Forced When a relationship ends, don't let love turn into hate, for resentment is a shadow that darkens the soul. I don't care about Cupid, Valentine's Day and all that... I just love you. Do not compare your life with that of others Love isn't about controlling; it's about growing together. I've grown; have you? Merry Christmas, your friendship has been a true gift to me this year