Love isn't about controlling; it's about growing together. I've grown; have you? - Quote in pics  

Love isn't about controlling; it's about growing together. I've grown; have you?


Love isn't about controlling; it's about growing together. I've grown; have you?

"Love isn't about controlling; it's about growing together. I've grown; have you?" © Shoshan

I'm worn out, tired of waiting for him to change, to mature, to grow with me. Day after day, I see him stuck in the same patterns, the same excuses, the same broken promises. I've changed, I've adapted, I've fought to be better, for us, for this love that was once strong and passionate. But he seems content to stay where he is, ignoring my pleas, my needs, my dreams. Every time I try to talk, try to reach him, I run into a wall of indifference. How can I continue loving someone who doesn't want to grow with me? Sadness turns into frustration, hope fades, and I realize that maybe it's time to go my own way, because love isn't about controlling; it's about growing together. I've grown; has he? No, he's been left behind.

No more tears now, no more delay,
I've grown strong, I'll find my way,
this heart will not be slave or pawn,
I decide the path I'm on.

I won't be hostage to empty promises,
my soul rekindles, in me, it lives,
it's time to be who I meant to be,
strong and resolute, I will be free.

Goodbye to fear, goodbye to wait,
my life is mine, I embrace my fate,
no more shadows or dreams forlorn,
I am my path, my way reborn.

With steady step, gaze clear and true,
I make my way, nothing to pursue,
I am my hope, my warmth, my light,
in me blooms love, pure and bright.

This is me, courageous and whole,
master of destiny, heart, and soul,
life is mine, the change is wrought,
I am my peace, my strength, my thought.

© Shoshan

The quote in this image is for those women who have decided to take control of their lives, who seek strength in themselves, and who are not willing to settle for less than what they deserve and know they can achieve: "Love isn't about controlling; it's about growing together. I've grown; have you?" © Shoshan

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