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To be happy, leave things behind Friendship isn't measured by how often we see each other, but by the quality of the moments we share together Embrace the cracks in your journey, for they are the very spaces where your resilience blooms Life is beautiful & full of surprises You will not understand the sadness of not seeing the one you love until your eyes search for someone who is no longer there Surely God is my help; the Lord is the one who sustains me - Psalm 54:4 Hope is not pretending that troubles don´t exist People tend to change when they don't get what they want. Social media can feel like a shadowy circus among laughs, likes, and shares, it's not always easy to tell the joker from the fraudster. Good night, simple and beautiful Walk with confidence, but leave no trail of destruction. A missed opportunity isn't a closed door, it's just an unexpected detour.