Merry Christmas, always remember that Christmas is not about receiving but what you can give.
“You are the light of Christmas,
when with your life
you light up the way of others
with kindness, patience,
joy and generosity.”
-P. Dennis Doren L.C.
Be good and kind one to another,
always try to do the right thing,
have others under consideration,
never be selfish,
always remember that our actions,
words, and decisions affect the rest.
Christmas is not about receiving gifts,
praise and ecards,
it's about giving, not receiving.
It is about what we can do to others,
not what they can do to us.
It is about generosity, hospitality,
altruism, graciousness,
and having a heart that is open
to other people's needs.
Follow the spirit of Christmas,
be good to one another!