If only for today, I would like to be insanely happy - Quote in pics  

If only for today, I would like to be insanely happy


If only for today, I would like to be insanely happy

I am sharing this image to motivate myself, and those who see it and appreciate it.... to be happier. Today can be a good day, this will be a very happy day!

If only for today,
I would like to be
insanely happy.



Dear Me, Myself,

Today I plan on being happy.

Even if it was just for today, I want to be happy. I deserve to be happy. I plan on being happy.

I declare that today I will be a happy person.

I know you don't always feel this way, which is why I'm writing to you now. You deserve happiness as much as anyone else—maybe even more than some people! And you can have it, if you'll just let yourself have it.

So today (and every day after), I want us both to remember that we are worthy of joy and happiness and love and laughter and all the good things in life. We don't need any excuses or explanations or apologies for why we're not feeling it right now—we just need to remember how much those good things matter to us, and that we deserve them just like everyone else does!


Dear me,

I know what you're going through. I know how hard it is to feel like you deserve happiness when the world is falling apart around you. But today, I'm calling in the cavalry. Today, we're going to be happy.

I don't care if it's just for one day—even one hour! It's about time we did something good for ourselves, didn't it? It's about time we stopped putting off that spa day or new haircut and just made it happen! We deserve it, after all—you deserve it.

So today, I declare that I will be a happy person. I will go out of my way to treat myself with kindness and respect. And most importantly, I will be kind to others too—because happiness isn't just an individual thing; it's contagious!

© Author: Shoshan - Quote In Pics

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