Standing upwards - Quote in pics  

Standing upwards


Standing upwards

I will be that woman
who is always standing upwards;
the one that as soon as she falls
quickly gets up again.

I will not give up easily,
I will fight for what I want
and that which I believe in.

I will not let my self
be silenced by my love,
by society or family,
or anyone and their traditions.

I will stand up,
I will shout if needed be,
I will fight when necessary,
I will proudly do
that which I'm meant to do.

I am not going to be
the submissive woman
who always follows the rest,
who does what her husband or boyfriend says
and who never replies
or fights for her rights.

I will stand up,
I will not be quiet.

I am a woman
and I am proud
of who I am.

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