Stop comparing yourself to others - Quote in pics  

Stop comparing yourself to others


Stop comparing yourself to others

Stop comparing yourself to others.
-"more modern"
-"more fun than me"
-"more stylish"
We both are fabulous,
everyone is fabulous in their own way.

Each person is different
no one better than the rest,
simply with different strengths,
different things to admire,
different traits and qualities,
but equally admirable.

Do not compare yourself
to other women by your side,
or in a magazine,
or in your workplace.

You are beautiful as you are,
you are great just being yourself,
you should be proud
that you too are special.

Never criticize others
for traits, attributes,
peculiarities, or the such,
because just as each one
has their own strengths
we all have our weaknesses
and it's not right
to look down upon
others who are different.

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