Sometimes, the most sophisticated disguise a person wears is their own hypocrisy - Shoshan - Quote in pics  

Sometimes, the most sophisticated disguise a person wears is their own hypocrisy - Shoshan


Sometimes, the most sophisticated disguise a person wears is their own hypocrisy - Shoshan

"Sometimes, the most sophisticated disguise a person wears is their own hypocrisy." © Shoshan

In our modern world, it's not uncommon to encounter characters whose disguises aren't made of fabric, but of empty words and forced smiles. Sometimes, the most sophisticated disguise a person wears is their own hypocrisy. They wrap themselves in layers of deceit, hiding their true selves behind a stage built on their own lies. But we must remember, no disguise can forever hide the truth. Just as the sun rises each morning, so too will the reality behind the masks we wear. Because at the end of the day, each one of us is the tailor of our own identity.

In the theatre of life, with its masquerade ball,
we meet characters, some stand tall,
cloaked in deceit, they wear a grin,
their costume of hypocrisy, worn thin.

Yet, I yearn not to be that man,
not to join the deceptive clan.
I wish for a mirror, not a mask,
truth and sincerity is all I ask.

I wish to be the morning sun,
transparent and bright, fooling none.
A book open wide, not a locked chest,
honesty, my armour, sincerity my crest.

For each thread of truth that I sew,
may in the tapestry of life glow.
To be authentic, raw and real,
that's the legacy I wish to seal.

© Shoshan

Quote: "Sometimes, the most sophisticated disguise a person wears is their own hypocrisy." © Shoshan

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