Those who judge you behind your back usually have little to showcase upfront. - Quote in pics  

Those who judge you behind your back usually have little to showcase upfront.


Those who judge you behind your back usually have little to showcase upfront.

"Those who judge you behind your back usually have little to showcase upfront." © Shoshan

Ever find yourself being critiqued for your moves, your choices, or just who you are, and it's happening behind your back? Here's a groundbreaking thought for you: 'Those who judge you behind your back usually have little to showcase upfront.' © Shoshan. Yep, you read it right. Most of the time, these folks are so busy scrutinizing your actions that they forget to live their own lives. They're so engrossed in passing judgments that their own existence becomes a string of unremarkable events, a void they try to fill by discrediting others.

So the next time you find yourself in the crosshairs of criticism, don't feel down. In fact, you can feel flattered. Your life is so interesting that it's become someone else's topic of conversation. Talk about a life well-lived! Don't let these people derail you; keep being awesome, keep taking risks, and above all, keep living your life to the fullest. Because while you move forward, they'll be left behind, caught in their cycle of empty judgments and critiques.

They talk about me, whispers fill the air,
like leaves swept along, without a single care.
But here I remain, on my throne of peace,
knowing that those who criticize, give envy a lease.

Your words, so sharp, aim to wound my soul,
but they only reveal a void you don't know how to control.
You say I fall short, not up to your ideal,
but I know in your life, something fundamentally real is unreal.

Go ahead and criticize, do it to your heart's content,
in every word you utter, I discern your discontent.
You try to fill your void with ruthless judgment,
but I stay right here, flattered by your resentment.

Because in the end, those who criticize lack much more,
than the target of their venom, who keeps moving evermore.
So keep on talking, while I live and revel,
your criticism is the echo of a being hopelessly disheveled.

© Shoshan

The quote in this image is dedicated to all those who have felt the weight of unfair criticisms and malicious comments. To those who, despite the harsh words and gossip, have continued to move forward with their heads held high. May this phrase serve as a reminder that "Those who judge you behind your back usually have little to showcase upfront." © Shoshan

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