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Not even the water of all seas could quench this love. - Song of Solomon 8:7 Let's make our tears not the end of our story, but the beginning of our reconciliation - Shoshan Don't let fear suffocate your dreams; let it be the oxygen that fuels your ambition Deciding not to forgive isn't about being unkind, it's about self-care. © Shoshan However narrow it may be, a path is still a path Prayer: God, please help me! Good Morning greetings for the first weeks of the year Mother, though you're in heaven, your light continues to shine in my heart, always guiding me with your everlasting love. May God bless this Christmas bringing joy, peace and lack of confrontations What I'd like to believe about the love I give away Santa's reviewing your behavior for this year May your feet take you where your heart wants to lead you!