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Being good to others isn't just a choice, it's a responsibility I love you dad! - Thanks for showing your love in all the little ways. Sometimes people don't need to be helped, they need to help themselves Despite it all, I will believe in myself If someone is constantly ignoring you, they're not valuing you as they should Wisdom is not just knowing what to do, but also when to do it and how to do it with grace and love. Sometimes, the most sophisticated disguise a person wears is their own hypocrisy - Shoshan During this Christmas season, beyond the celebrations, I hope you find time for yourself and what truly makes you happy You’re under no obligation to be the same person you were five minutes ago The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself Let's welcome this new month with open hearts, filling our days with peace, love, and color. Please forgive me; the darkness of my wrongdoing has left me lost