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Opportunities are like shooting stars bright but fleeting. Make a wish, but also make a plan. Walk with confidence, but leave no trail of destruction. Don't give up... because you were not born to give up Those who fear the future forget that they have the power to shape it as they please Discover the true source of magic: What you can give, not just wish for! Copy of Pídeme lo que quieras. Haré cualquier cosa por ti. Pero por favor, acepta mis disculpas. Lo siento. Nostalgia is the price we pay for the good times we've had Moving forward sometimes begins with a goodbye, paving the way for new forms of love and freedom. "Speaking ill of others does not elevate us. Let's treat each other with the same respect that we expect to receive." © Shoshan Those who judge you behind your back usually have little to showcase upfront. He no longer loves me Celebrate endings—for they precede new beginnings