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Each star in the sky is a reminder of a reason I love you, and still, there are more reasons than stars. For my son on Valentine's Day: A picture, a letter, and a poem Philippians 4:6–7  - Let us place our worries in God's hands Life is beautiful & full of surprises Don't let the fear of tomorrow take away today's peace; God is with you at the break of each new day. Happy start of the week! May this week be filled with tiny victories Attention is the key that unlocks the door to the heart "Unfulfilled promises are like inflated hope balloons that deflate with reality." © Shoshan Don't let fear suffocate your dreams; let it be the oxygen that fuels your ambition When you do things right or wrong In every dawn, God whispers to us: "With every step you take, I walk beside you." My love, you light up my life like the stars in the night sky