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Those who fear the future forget that they have the power to shape it as they please Prayer: God, you have a plan and purpose for me A Mother's Guiding Light Don't let anyone tell you the stars are out of reach; we are women, born from constellations and weavers of dreams. I never intended to hurt you, please forgive me, I love you. Wisdom is not just knowing what to do, but also when to do it and how to do it with grace and love. In what do men think? The smile we carry is the reflection of Christ's light; we shine brighter when we share His love. Live your own way, don't sweat the opinions of others "A strong woman doesn't waste tears on a man who doesn't appreciate her ocean of love." -Shoshan Insecurity whispering to you that you are not enough? Say with faith: With God, everything is possible! Huge warm hug for you on Thanksgiving Day!