Always choose your partner, each day, in every moment - Quote in pics  

Always choose your partner, each day, in every moment


Always choose your partner, each day, in every moment

"Always choose your partner, each day, in every moment, because it's in the daily choice where the essence of enduring love is found." © Shoshan

In the journey of love, the voyage is never straightforward. There are sunny days, but also storms, times when we stumble, when we fail and let each other down. And it is precisely in these challenging times that we must remember why we embarked on this journey in the first place. When things get tough, we must decide, once again, to fight for what we have, for the precious jewel that is our love. We must choose to love each other, forgive each other, and press on, because in this daily decision to stay together despite everything, lies the essence of a true and enduring love.

- Part I -
I confess, my love, I've erred,
our pact I have impaired.
My faults, like shadows,
your love's sunlight have snared.

But in this bittersweet dance,
where I falter and redeem,
I'll always choose you, my light,
even when in darkness I seem.

- Part II -
You've erred, I feel the hit,
like an echo in the void.
Your faults, sharp thorns,
my faith in us have destroyed.

But from pain emerges courage,
the strength to keep fighting.
I choose you, always, my love,
for in the struggle lies the loving.

© Shoshan

Quote for when we experience difficulties in our relationship and yet we struggle to keep our love alive: "Always choose your partner, each day, in every moment, because it's in the daily choice where the essence of enduring love is found." © Shoshan

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