Welcome, July, we open our doors to you with joy! - Quote in pics  

Welcome, July, we open our doors to you with joy!


Welcome, July, we open our doors to you with joy!

"Welcome, July, you are the bridge between the days lived and the days yet to be lived, we open our doors to you with joy!"

Welcome, radiant July, you arrive like a dawn's promise, full of potential and excitement. You stand as the poignant bridge between the pages of our past and the unwritten chapters of our future, binding together the warmth of our cherished memories and the spark of our unfulfilled dreams. With open hearts and wide smiles, we greet you, our faithful companion in this waltz with time. We open our doors to you, inviting in the enchanting melody of your days and the quiet whispers of your nights. You bring with you a treasure trove of moments yet to be savored, experiences yet to be felt, and stories yet to be told. As we embark on this new journey with you, July, we do so with joy and hopeful anticipation. Welcome, bridge of time, bearer of dreams. May your presence paint our lives with shades of joy and sprinkles of wonder!

Welcome July, in full flight,
A bridge between yesterday and tomorrow, a gentle night,
With promises that sway in the air,
And hopes that, like fireflies, in the night bear.

July, beloved month, with your golden days,
A blank canvas where life is a priceless maze,
We greet your arrival with hugs and laughter,
With the affection that among friends, is never an after.

Each dawn, each dusk in your hands,
A cycle that with grace and mystery, stands,
May your presence bring shared smiles,
And unforgettable moments in our lives' files.

Happy July to all, from the heart I say,
May it be a month of blessings, our comrade in play.
With joy, love, and dreams yet to uncurl,
Happy July to all, to live and twirl!

© Shoshan

Quote in image to welcome the new month of July: "Welcome, July, you are the bridge between the days lived and the days yet to be lived, we open our doors to you with joy!"

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