Where haste closes doors, patience builds bridges. - Quote in pics  

Where haste closes doors, patience builds bridges.


Where haste closes doors, patience builds bridges.

"Where haste closes doors, patience builds bridges. Often, a single steadfast step outweighs a hundred hurried ones. So, take your time; for it's often the best investment." © Shoshan

In the breakneck rhythm of contemporary life, it's easy to overlook how speed robs us of opportunities before we can truly savor them. Waiting moments aren't mere voids; they are spaces brimming with potential, perfect intervals for reflection and building. Moving forward with consciousness and determination holds immeasurable value. Rather than rushing aimlessly, it's better to progress at a thoughtful, deliberate pace. Because every moment, every choice, is an investment in our journey. Amidst the daily tumult, let's remember the worth of granting ourselves time; it's undoubtedly the best gift we can bestow upon ourselves.

In the constant noise of day to day,
I seek a breath, a gentle sway.
Haste tempts me at every turn,
but rushing's glow is quick to burn.

I yearn to find calm deep within,
let patience be where I begin.
Time's a teacher, not a foe,
in its rhythm, life's dance does show.

I won't be trapped by ticking clocks,
for in silence, true peace talks.
Waiting is an art, a gift, a dance,
with it, every moment gets a chance.

So, in the present, I stand tall,
with every beat, patience I install.
Though the world spins fast and free,
with patience, at my pace, I'll be.

© Shoshan

The quote within this image is dedicated to all those who seek to find balance in a fast-paced world, to those who understand the value of taking a moment to breathe, and to those who know that true wisdom lies in patience and reflection: "Where haste closes doors, patience builds bridges. Often, a single steadfast step outweighs a hundred hurried ones. So, take your time; for it's often the best investment." © Shoshan

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